MAF has been serving this region since 1950. Every year we fly thousands of doctors, patients, aid workers and pastors, providing healthcare, aid redevelopment, education, food and clean water.

The Challenge

SS-pic2 South Sudan has been in and out of war for the past 60 years. More than 2 million people have died in two long civil wars with the north. The most recent tribal warfare that broke out in December 2013 has left the country devastated. Clean drinking water is scarce and food insecurity is on the rise. Although rich in natural resources, poverty is widespread.

South Sudan has one of the highest mortality rates of pregnant and birthing mothers in the world. Little of the road network is paved and much of it is in disrepair, making road transport to some remote villages almost impossible.

Our Operation

SS-pic3MAF has been serving this region since 1950. Forced to leave for some years due to civil war, MAF now has a base in the capital of Juba. Every year we fly hundreds of doctors, patients, aid workers and pastors, providing healthcare, aid redevelopment, education, food and clean water.

In partnership with over 250 organisations, such as AIM International, Tearfund, Medair, Christian Mission Aid, Water Harvest International and Save the Children – to name just a few – we are proud to be part of bringing hope to a country that almost lost all hope.

Stories from South Sudan

Who We Fly: Medair in South Sudan

Hi, my name is Jasmine. I am a paediatric emergency nurse by training originally from Brisbane. I worked at the Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brisbane before coming to South Sudan. Here in South Sudan, I’m currently working for Medair, which is an organization that does relief aid. I’m working as a Health Manager on the […]

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