Work with MAF and Be Part of Something Bigger. Be part of an Adventure, Hope, a Movement, Transformation and Rescue.

For almost 80 years MAF has been bringing help, hope and healing to the remote communities of the world. Pilots, engineers, managers, IT technicians, teachers, administrators and many other professionals have come together to bring transformation to remote communities.

It’s true, working with MAF is an adventure.

You’ll visit places you’ve only read about, see things you’ve only heard about and do things you never dreamed you’d be able to do.

But the real adventure will come when, trusting in God and following His call, you step out in faith and learn to lean on Him in a whole new way. It’s not easy leaving your comfort zone. But when you serve with MAF – determined to bring help, hope and healing to the remote parts of the world – you’ll experience the adventure of a lifetime.

Take the first step in this adventure today. Sign up for our online journey.

To countless communities around the world, the inbound MAF aircraft – just a tiny speck at first – has come to be a symbol of hope.

Maybe it’s medical supplies to restock a local village clinic, or a box of Bibles translated into your language for the very first time…

Maybe it’s delivering your child’s teacher, a community nurse or a team of aid workers. Or maybe it’s coming to airlift a sick or wounded child in desperate need of emergency medical attention…

Every 5.6 minutes an MAF aircraft takes off or lands. Every one of those flights is bringing hope to the most remote.

Be part of bringing hope. Find out how by taking our online journey.

117 aircraft  |  1,400 staff  |  24 countries  |  1,500 partners

For almost 80 years MAF has been serving the remote communities of the world. What started off as the dream of a few Christian airforce pilots is now a global movement.

We need pilots, engineers, teachers, accountants, IT technicians, administrators, instructors and many more professionals to make this global movement happen.

Every single part of this school building, from the smallest screw to the tin roof, came in on an MAF plane. This has transformed the community.

MAF’s vision is simple: to see isolated people physically and spiritually transformed in Christ’s name.

This long-term transformation of communities – both physically and spiritually – is happening every day, all throughout the world.

It’s happening as we partner with like-minded organisations. It’s happening as we deliver the gospel. It’s happening as we fly in education, medical supplies and community development initiatives.

It’s been happening for almost 80 years.

We’re in for the long haul. Join with us now and be part of real transformation.

She’s just 20 years-old. And she’s in grave danger.

Yvette’s pregnancy was not successful. The baby didn’t carry full-term. What’s worse is that attempts to deliver the stillborn child – for 72 hours – were unsuccessful.

Yvette was about 300 kms from the closest hospital. The scary reality was that she simply would not survive the hours upon hours of travel along arduous dirt roads carved through the jungle and around mountains. But that’s where we come in.

Within just 90 minutes an MAF plane collected Yvette and her father, and brought them to the hospital. Once again God used MAF to bring hope into a situation where all hope had been lost.

In the remote communities where we serve, medevacs like this happen all the time. MAF is a lifeline to thousands who would otherwise die.

You can be part of this rescue. You can be part of saving lives.

Take the first step and contact us

Email us at [email protected]. You can also check out our FAQs by following the link below.