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Garrett and Katie Munyard

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Both Garrett and Katie have a heart to serve and love people in vulnerable and unreached communities. They feel lead to be Jesus’ hands and feet wherever God calls them.

Garrett grew up surrounded by a family of missionaries who have served in various countries throughout South-East Asia. As a result, he has had many opportunities throughout his childhood to be involved in mission trips where he saw the needs of the communities around him. From a young age, Garrett loved everything to do with planes and could often be found either building or flying model aeroplanes. In 2018, after hearing about MAF, Garrett left his engineering degree to pursue a pilot’s license, hoping to serve with MAF. He earned his Commercial Pilot License in 2022 at age 23.

Katie’s first exposure to missions was as a 12-year-old where her family spent 3 months in Mozambique, Africa. Katie felt God plant a seed in her heart from that moment and she continued to pursue further mission opportunities in the years to come. At the age of 19, Katie deferred her university course for a year and undertook a 3 month mission trip throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Inspired to learn the skills and training to provide medical care on the mission field, she completed a nursing degree and became a Registered Nurse in 2023, now working in the Emergency Department.

Garrett and Katie started dating mid 2020, where they bonded over their shared desire and calling to serve the Lord on the mission field in their respective careers. They got married in 2022 and are now pursuing to serve with MAF.

The Munyards are currently raising support before heading to their first international assignment.

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