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About MAF

  • About MAF

    Core values
    Where we serve
    Our history
    Our fleet
    Our impact
  • Our Story

  • Our History

    In World War II, light aircraft were used to unleash unprecedented death and destruction. As the war drew to a close, Christian airforce pilots from Australia, New Zealand, England, America and South Africa all began to have the same thought:

    Why can’t these aircraft now be used to bring life and hope during peace time?

    From here, Mission Aviation Fellowship was born. The vision was simple and wonderfully ambitious: to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ.

    And today that’s exactly what happens.

    What started off as the dream of a few Christian airforce pilots is now a global movement with around 117 aircraft serving in over 24 countries worldwide. Tens of thousands of remote communities now have access to healthcare, education, community development, disaster relief and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    As you’ll read below, a lot has happened over the 80 years since MAF was formed, but through the change, through all the developments in technology and aviation practices, the heart of MAF has stayed the same: sharing God’s love through aviation and technology.

  • Our Core Values


    We value ministry that transforms lives and multiplies the effectiveness of those we serve, seizing opportunities to serve the living God in a fast-changing world.


    We value Christ-like behaviour in the way we work and relate to one another and to those we serve. We have respect and care for all people and have compassion for those in need. We are sensitive to cultural differences and have a servant attitude.


    We value integrity, professionalism, safety and competence in all areas and believe that all our work should honour and glorify Christ.


    We value the strength and diversity that co-operation and collaboration bring and partner with those who share our beliefs and values.


    We value the wise use of our resources and carefully balance the benefits of investments with the costs involved.


    We value the personal and spiritual wellbeing of our people. We respect, care and pray for one another.

  • More about MAF

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