“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 1:3 (NIV)
While their family were young, James and Ruth served in PNG with CRMF (now MAF Technologies). Desiring to return to cross cultural mission, they have been with MAF South Sudan since 2017. James is the Facilities Manager, and has the responsibility for a team of MAF maintenance, security and housekeeping staff, who together look after new construction projects, housing, work spaces, vehicles, utilities and security services.
South Sudan is a country recovering from generations of war. Recent decades have left the country with very little infrastructure and great need for committed friends to help build this nation. MAF provides air transport and technology services for missions, churches and NGO’s working in remote parts of the country. In this young nation, James and Ruth enjoy many opportunities training South Sudanese and working alongside them. Ruth uses her nursing skills in a clinic and has regular opportunities for teaching English and Bible to children and young adults. They are both involved in the small local church in the village where they live and James works with the young men responsible for leading the English service.
James and Ruth feel privileged to have the freedom to share and show God’s love in South Sudan. They value your prayers as they serve the Lord with MAF in Juba.