Mountains. Jungles. Swamps. Unrest. No roads. We overcome these barriers to bring hope to the isolated.

We aim to mirror the love of Jesus in everything we do. He cared for people physically and spiritually, meeting the needs of the people around Him, regardless of who they were.

Millions of people cannot access basic medical care, clean water, schools or receive the Good News of God’s love, simply because it’s too dangerous or time-consuming to reach them. We provide flights for 1,400 aid, development and mission organisations to enable them to transform lives. It’s a great partnership – and you can help make it possible.

Aid and Development

Development Work

MAF enables the work of around 1500 organisations. 1500! That means we get to facilitate an incredibly diverse and impactful range of projects.

It might be water wells in South Sudan, food security in Timor-Leste, medical supplies in Kenya, education programs in Arnhem Land.... you get the idea!

MAF helps improve living conditions and enables thousands of families to develop safe, healthy, and productive communities.

We work with organisations like World Vision, Save the Children, Samaritans Purse, Habitat for Humanity, YWAM, UNICEF and many, many others.

Help fund this work

Medical Assistance

For those in remote or isolated communities, a MAF flight is often the only way to get life-saving care.

We respond quickly and effectively to save lives and ease suffering caused by accidents, disease, disasters, deadly epidemics, and complications of childbirth.

Thousands are saved each year as MAF speeds patients to hospital, turning days of ground travel into mere minutes.

And even more are saved as MAF transports doctors, nurses, and medicines to patients in minutes instead of days or weeks. Epidemics are prevented with vaccines and medical personnel transported by MAF.

On top of this, MAF communications networks advance healthcare by providing reliable voice and computer connections that allow remote facilities to access medical services and systems a world away.

Help fund a medevac

Disaster Response

Put simply, the barriers created by natural disasters can be overcome by MAF.

In the wake of natural disasters and civil wars, our aircraft can take off and land on short, crude airstrips to reach those in greatest need.

We can provide reliable, timely delivery of emergency supplies and personnel. Food arrives in time to alleviate hunger, medicines and emergency medical evacuations save lives, and goods and supplies improve living conditions.

MAF aircraft have played critical roles following the Boxing Day Tsunami in Indonesia, Hurricane Felix in Nicaragua, the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and the 2015 earthquake in Nepal.

A MAF plane is a welcome sight to people who have lost so much.

MAF communications further facilitate relief programs. Agency and relief efforts are more easily coordinated through MAF technology networks, even when an entire nation has lost electrical power.

Help fund this work

Christian Mission

Evangelical Work: As the apostle Paul puts it, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom 10:15). Over the past 75 years, thousands of those beautiful feet have stepped on and off MAF aircraft in remote corners of the world.

To help fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission, MAF enables and supports:
• Missionaries and local evangelists to unreached people
• Indigenous church workers to isolated villages
• Church capacity building through discipleship, skills training, and leadership development
• Scripture translation and distribution

On top of this, MAF staff are missionaries themselves. Living in community with the people we serve means that MAF staff have an incredible opportunity to share their lives and their love of Jesus Christ. Many of our staff are involved in leading local biblestudy groups and supporting indigenous church mission. They may be pilots, engineers, technicians and managers by trade, but they are missionaries by heart.

An exciting development in the MAF mission has been the introduction of MAF Technology Services. Click on the button below to read about it.

MAF Technology Services