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Fuel a Plane

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Fuelling Hope, Saving Lives

In the remote areas where MAF serves, life-saving flights are not just rare miracles – they’re a daily reality. Imagine this: in Papua New Guinea, a short 20-minute flight in an MAF aircraft can replace up to three days of grueling walking through rugged terrain. For just $100 – the cost of the fuel for that flight – you could help ensure that critical medical care reaches those who need it most. Your support can mean the difference between life and death for someone in a remote village. Will you help fuel our planes and bring hope to isolated communities today?

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Important Information about Giving to MAF

Gifts and sponsorships over AUD$2 within Australia to fund approved public relief work of MAF, raised through MAF Assist Limited (DGR Item 1) (ABN 27 654 417 544), are tax deductible. For direct bank transfers, please use: MAF Assist Limited | BSB 034-167 | Acct 593 931

Gifts and donations to fund religious and other work of MAF, raised through MAF Australia (ABN 26 134 583 887), are non-tax deductible. For direct bank transfers, please use: MAF Australia | BSB 032-164 | Acct 183 831

If you have a MAF ID, please use it in your description.