MAF in PNG is one of our largest programs, providing life-changing service to the ten million strong population. Every year, we perform around 10,000 flights and fly more than 35,000 people.

The Challenge

PNG-pic1PNG is mostly jungle-covered mountains or swamps and there are very few roads. For many communities, medical care is several days trekking away. In medical emergencies (broken limbs, snake bites, pregnancy and birth complications), getting help without MAF is next to impossible. Likewise, many communities depend on MAF’s air transport for access to school teachers, health programs and development agencies. By necessity, many landing strips on sharp ridges or cut out of the jungle resemble little more than a cricket pitch. They present just one of a multitude of challenges that have deterred other air operators, meaning the much of the nine million strong PNG population turns to MAF for access to help and hope. With some of the most extreme terrain in the world, combined with unpredictable weather, a MAF pilot’s skills are tested to their limit in PNG.

Our Operation

PNG-pic2MAF in PNG is one of our largest programs, providing life-changing service for much of the rural population. Every year, MAF carries over 35,000 passengers in PNG, saving lives, delivering building materials for hospitals and schools, encouraging community development by transporting coffee and other produce from remote villages and more. MAF is a lifeline for many of the PNG nationals. Doctors, teachers and aid workers could not do their jobs without MAF to transport them over PNG’s challenging landscape.

MAF Technologies (CRMF)

MAF Technologies (formerly known as CRMF (Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship)) provides an HF radio network throughout PNG which typically forms the only communications link to the outside world for the most remote communities.

Evangelical Work

MAF Technologies also provides training and Biblical resources via radio and supplies MAF pilots with a Biblebox to carry with them. Read more about Technology Services in PNG

Contact MAF PNG

Stories from Papua New Guinea

Hope for mums giving birth by torchlight

Work by MAF Technologies has made power more reliable for an isolated PNG community hospital. A Story by MAF Technologies, Kowara Bell. Judith Charles, a local midwife at Telefomin Rural Hospital, knows that babies can arrive at any time of the day or night – and her job is so much harder when the lights […]

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