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MAF Schools Partnership

Bring the exciting world of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) to your school with the MAF Schools Partnership.

The MAF Schools Partnership introduces students to the amazing work of Mission Aviation Fellowship through a wide range of unique and exciting activities, including tailor-made School Presentations, Virtual Reality Incursions and a Mission Focused Leadership Program. We aim to inspire your students to consider how they too can be a part of real, life-changing work – both now and in the future.

For 80 years, generations of Australian Christians have been inspired by the vision and passion of MAF’s founders, stepping up, generation after generation, to continue the legacy of bringing hope to the isolated.  Our desire is to share this vision and passion with the next generation through the MAF Schools Partnership.

School Presentations
Virtual Reality Incursions
MAF Mini Plane Incursion
Student Leadership Program
Citizenship and Leadership Awards
School Fundraisers