Earthquake Response – Papua New Guinea (as of 6th March)

Following the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that hit Papua New Guinea on February 26th and the many strong aftershocks, MAF PNG has been working hard to bring relief, supplies and medical assistance to those affected. Below are the latest information and some stories sourced from our team on the ground, as of 6th March 2018.

Information received concerning circumstances within the affected areas

Programme and Disaster Response Update

Tech Services (CRMF)

Delivering Water and Supplies 

Thanks to Mt Hagen businesses, MAF Papua New Guinea were able to send out a relief flight on 5th March to take bottled clean drinking water and food as well as two water collecting drums and pit toilets each to Muluma and Bosavi.

The people lost their gardens and rivers are dirty and not safe for drinking water. The tarpaulin water tank kits will help the communities to collect rain water.

People are still afraid of the many aftershocks they feel. On 5th March at 6am another 6.0 earthquake apparently caused damage and loss of lives at Dodomona.

Pictures below are from the Mt Hagen base when the cargo arrived and was loaded, from unloading at Muluma and Bosavi. Pilot Mathias Glass was explaining how to set up the water collecting kit and the toilets.


Surveying Earthquake Damage 

When doing the relief flights to Muluma and Bosavi on March 5th, we spotted this little hamlet near the Hegegio River on our way back.

Please pray for these people who most likely must have lost some houses and even family during the earthquake according to the landslide we spotted from above. We’ve seen them waving to us and tomorrow a helicopter is going to check on these people.


Disaster Response Coordination

MAF PNG’s Flight Coordinator, Sharlene Coker, is trained in disaster response procedures and has been coordinating work between the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and other interested organisations. Her workload is high, intense and stressful. Pray that the Lord will give Sharlene, and others involved, wisdom and strength.


Supply Coordination and Delivery 

On March 6th, the Mt Hagen based Tininga business group brought 50 bales of 20kg rice, 100 cartons of bottled drinking water and 10 tarpaulins to the MAF cargo shed. The MAF Operations Team is going to make sure these supplies get flown to different communities most affected by the earthquake. Thank you to those who donated.


To support MAF’s Emergency Relief efforts please donate here:

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