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Lukas Klassen

Sent from: MAF Canada

Serving in: Canada

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The Story

Lukas was born and raised in Winkler, Manitoba. He grew up in a Christian home and decided to follow Jesus at a young age. He grew up hearing from family members on the mission field, which inspired him to want to be involved in mission work.

Throughout high school, Lukas was involved in his local church and attended various Christian student apologetic and worldview conferences. Together, these compelled him to dig deeper into understanding the Christian worldview and its interaction with modern culture.

For as long as he can remember, Lukas has been fascinated with Aviation, taking every opportunity to learn about and share this interest. After graduating high school, he attended Red River College Polytech and completed basic training in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME). At college, Lukas encountered an instructor who had previously served with MAF. This was a turning point for Lukas as he realized he could combine his love of aviation with his desire to serve in missions.

Lukas is excited to join MAF as an AME apprentice. He will be stationed in Three Hills, Alberta, at Prairie Aviation Training Centre, supporting pilot training while building the skills required for serving abroad with MAF as an AME.

…In your hearts honor Christ the lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15 ESV

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