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A MAF plane visited four destinations in one day, bringing partners to remote communities.

United by a passion to serve the people of Guinea, representatives from Mission Philafricaine, Pioneers Bible Translators, City of Refuge Ministry and the Association for Education of Children of Guinea flew with MAF from the capital Conakry.

United by a passion to serve the people of Guinea, representatives from Mission Philafricaine, Pioneers Bible Translators, City of Refuge Ministry and the Association for Education of Children of Guinea flew with MAF
from the capital Conakry.

United by a passion to serve the people of Guinea, representatives from Mission Philafricaine, Pioneers Bible Translators, City of Refuge Ministry and the Association for Education of Children of Guinea flew with MAF from the capital Conakry.

The mix of missionaries were delighted to be flying with MAF for the first time.

Alexandre Weiss, from SAM Global, had travelled from Switzerland to work with a clinic in Nzérékoré.

“I am here to discover in fact everything that this mission does and to accompany my director, especially with work at the level of clinics, at the medical level, to see future partnerships,” he said.

“But I am very much looking forward to continuing to discover this beautiful country and I thank the MAF again for this beautiful trip.”

Prophet Rey Felix, senior ministry leader at City of Refuge in Conakry, travelled for evangelism.

“The ministry mainly went to preach to Muslims,” he said. “The gospel is my ministry in Guinea, and it is my mission and what I do.”

“I was always going in the context of evangelization and preaching the Gospel to announce the Good News to those who do not know the Lord.

”But we also have the social side, and we went there with a few clothes, that a sister brought us from the United States, that we wanted to go and distribute those who could not have them in Kissidougou.

“Usually, I always leave Conakry at 4am in my car and that’s it. We arrive in Kissidougou around 4pm with the bad road and everything and dust and above all really accidents on the road. But thank God. Today,
MAF is a truly blessed organisation of the Lord that helps us make our jobs easier.

“This is my first time with MAF. It’s an exceptional experience because thanks to MAF today, we were able to travel by plane.”

“We left Kissidougou just now, around 1pm and here we are. Just 1 hour 15 minutes of flight, it’s exceptional.”

Leane travelled from Switzerland to Guinea in September 2023 to teach the children of a family who are missionaries. The 20-year-old was beginning her journey home with MAF.

“I was here for nine months and now I’m going back to the country and I’m still lucky enough to be able to fly with MAF from N’zérékoré to Conakry and it’s very convenient, it takes so much less time and it’s really very pleasant and the company is really very friendly. Thank you.

“I really appreciated the culture, the kindness of the people, their welcome, so open. It was really, so beautiful to be able to be welcomed like that by people. I really learned a lot; a lot more than I could have imagined.”

Guillermo Wettstein, from Mission Philafricaine, flew with MAF from Conakry to the town of Beyla where he visited hospitals and gave engineering training.

“The flight with MAF was perfect, very good,” he said. “It was really a very nice experience.

“I hope we will have some meetings here in this area.”