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A journey above the clouds: My experience with MAF

Communications intern Anthony Nawi experiences a transformative flight to Simbai, Papua New Guinea, realising that MAF is a vital lifeline connecting remote communities and fostering crucial support.

A month and a half into my role as a communications intern for MAF, I finally got the chance to fly on an MAF plane as part of my work. While I had flown with MAF before, I had no idea how impactful this flight would be in shaping my understanding of their work in the remote areas of Papua New Guinea.

The day began like any other, with our morning devotions, followed by my task of creating staff portraits. When I was told that there was a chance, I could catch a flight to Simbai, a mix of nerves and excitement washed over me as I awaited confirmation.

When the call came for check-in, my nerves heightened. Fortunately, my colleagues provided guidance, preparing me for the flight.

At 1.30pm, we took off, heading toward the Tuman Gap – the gateway to the Jiwaka Valley. Flying over the valley felt like navigating a beautifully crafted maze, with each element perfectly placed in nature’s design.

About ten minutes into the flight, we approached a ridgeline into Simbai, but it was veiled in clouds. For several tense moments, Captain Mathias Glass and I scanned the skies for an opening. I could see a gap just off our route that allowed us to travel safely through.

As we descended, the clearer skies revealed the stunning Simbai basin below. Captain Mathias maneuvrered the aircraft skillfully, his calm demeanour turning the thrill of the flight into a comforting experience.

Upon landing, we were met by a vibrant crowd excited to see the aircraft arrive in their village. As I disembarked, I shifted my focus to my assignment – interviewing passengers about their experiences with MAF. I struck up a conversation with a local woman who had returned with her infant from Mount Hagen. This interaction opened my eyes to the joy MAF brings – providing crucial access that enables families to connect and goods to flow into the community.

With the skies darkening, we taxied up the bumpy airstrip and took off, navigating through valleys to avoid the encroaching storm. The beauty from above was stunning, a stark contrast to our urgency.

This trip reshaped my perspective on MAF. Before, I viewed MAF as just aviation; after this flight, I realised it was much more. MAF is a lifeline, reaching people where no other access exists. Seeing the smiles of the residents of Simbai reaffirmed my belief in the power of connection and service. MAF is not just about flying; it’s about changing lives.