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Teaching Opportunities – Highlands, PNG

Looking for the adventure of a life time? We have urgent Teaching needs at Numonohi Christian Academy – Highlands PNG.

Vital to the work of MAF and other mission organisations on the field, is the education and preparation of the next generation. Numonohi Christian Academy is an exceptional International Christian School. They continue to nurture the growing faith of over 150 students, whose parents, both local and international, have committed themselves to unreached peoples of Papua New Guinea.

NCA’s student body is comprised primarily of children from NTM PNG, but also have children from a number of other mission organizations including Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), Evangelical Brotherhood Church (EBC), Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE), Christian Services International (CFI) and Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship (CRMF).

While teachers in field would be warmly welcomed for the 2021-2022 school year, the most critical needs include:

Two elementary school teachers (one upper and one lower)
One High School Science teacher
One High school Maths teacher
One high school social studies teacher

These roles offer the opportunity not just for classroom teaching with bright and dedicated students, but also curriculum development in certain courses and lesson planning with Biblical integration. Moreover, teachers have the opportunity to live in a vibrant community with their fellow teaching staff and the wider community, while building authentic and meaningful relationships with students as they grow and learn together.


The school offers grades K-12, and in addition to our standard academic curriculum includes a variety of electives when staffing allows. Boys’ and girls’ basketball, volleyball, soccer, and touch rugby teams have the opportunity to play competitive games with local school teams as well as friendly games with parents and teachers at the centre.

Adhering to pre-existing curriculum, management of classroom and student discipline will be expected, as well as attendance at staff team meetings and professional educational activities. There are also many opportunities to be involved in coaching, small group bible studies, music, drama, and much more. Teaching is just one facet of the overall discipleship process.

While the school is run and operated by New Tribes Mission – PNG (NTM), MAF International has an arrangement with NTM – PNG that teachers we identify can join as short-term MAF International staff.

For further information https://www.ncapng.org/teachers/

Qualifications, Skills & Experience

Bachelor’s degree in education or teaching field
Teaching credentials/certification from state or country of origin
At least one year of classroom teaching experience
Proficient in the English language
Teachers must be able to adjust to living in another culture and working as a team among people from a variety of countries and backgrounds.


Overseas/missions experience or teaching in a cross cultural context would be an advantage but is not a necessity
Teachers should be willing to invest their lives in their students beyond just teaching in the classroom.

Position Location (s):

  • P.N.G.