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Fleet Renewal

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Invest in the future of MAF

In 1945, a small group of people got together to buy a plane. In doing so they became pioneers of a new organisation called Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).

With MAF now flying in 24 countries, the original investment of these pioneers has grown to be a lifeline for countless generations of families living in isolated communities thanks to the prayers and generosity of our supporters.

Nearly eighty years on, the journey continues, and as in 1945, it’s going to need a new plane.

Buying a new plane is an investment in the long-term viability of MAF – and our ability to continue making a difference for generations to come.

The need for a new plane

Why it’s needed

Funding a plane is part of a global MAF initiative which aims to modernise our current fleet, to ensure we can meet the challenges of serving remote communities into the future.

What will it take?

The cost to MAF to purchase and modify a Grand Caravan EX is about AUD$5.3m and a standard Caravan AUD$4.8m. This appeal we’re asking for your support to take the next big step in funding a new plane, and renewing our ageing fleet.

Why your support is crucial

Extend reach

A new plane with enhanced capabilities and range will enable MAF to deliver aid and assistance to areas that were previously beyond reach.

Increase efficiency

It is essential that MAF is reliable. With a new plane, MAF can respond more quickly to emergencies, deliver aid more efficiently, and maximise our impact on the ground.

Ensure sustainability

We want to be sustainable, long-term. MAF can only continue making a difference for generations to come with planes that are up-to-date.

The difference MAF planes make everyday


passengers arrive safely to their destinations including aid workers, medevac patients and missionaries 


kilograms of freight are transported including medical and educational supplies, bibles and crops


communities that MAF serve are impacted by the love of Christ

Donate Now

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Important Information about Giving to MAF

Gifts and sponsorships over AUD$2 within Australia to fund approved public relief work of MAF, raised through MAF Assist Limited (DGR Item 1) (ABN 27 654 417 544), are tax deductible. For direct bank transfers, please use: MAF Assist Limited | BSB 034-167 | Acct 593 931

Gifts and donations to fund religious and other work of MAF, raised through MAF Australia (ABN 26 134 583 887), are non-tax deductible. For direct bank transfers, please use: MAF Australia | BSB 032-164 | Acct 183 831

If you have a MAF ID, please use it in your description.