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UK Program - Fiona Stevenson

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The Story

I grew up in a Christian family and came naturally to a faith of my own as a child. After a degree in Theology from Durham University, I trained as chartered accountant with KPMG in Newcastle. I then worked as an accountant in business for nearly 20 years in North East England.

My international outlook grew during that time through involvement with Guiding and Rotary. My horizons were expanded further through unusual “holidays”, often with a mission link.

God brought all these strands together by calling me to work for Him in finance roles with MAF. During three years based in Cairns, Australia, I also spent time in remote areas of the Northern Territory and in Papua New Guinea. A year as finance manager in Uganda was followed by five based at head office in Ashford, UK. This was a varied role including much travelling to provide accounting assistance as required by the operational programmes.

Having completed a four year assignment as finance manager in Papua New Guinea, I returned to Africa to lead the accounts team in South Sudan for a couple of years. I have now, because of family responsibilities, returned to a UK based role.

It is humbling to see how God has graciously taken my skills and previous experience and enabled me to use them directly in His service, working for MAF as it shares God’s love in isolated communities.

I should be delighted if you would become a partner with me in this work to which God has called me. The main ways to do this are by praying and giving. In either case, you would receive regular updates to assist your praying and inform you how lives are being transformed through your involvement. If you would like to join in, please follow one or more of this links on this page. Thank you in advance!

Fiona Stevenson is a member of MAF UK.

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Gifts and sponsorships over AUD$2 within Australia to fund approved public relief work of MAF, raised through MAF Assist Limited (DGR Item 1) (ABN 27 654 417 544), are tax deductible. For direct bank transfers, please use: MAF Assist Limited | BSB 034-167 | Acct 593 931

Gifts and donations to fund religious and other work of MAF, raised through MAF Australia (ABN 26 134 583 887), are non-tax deductible. For direct bank transfers, please use: MAF Australia | BSB 032-164 | Acct 183 831

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